Dr Amani Alabed

Meet Onyx

Onyx is an AI-powered chatbot designed to enhance the user experience at OX Fitness, a premium gym aiming for an upscale atmosphere. The AI agent provides essential information, and facilitates bookings, all while maintaining the exclusive and sophisticated tone of the gym.

Key Features of Onyx

Calendly Integration

To seamlessly book a free session with OX trainers

Airtable Integration

User information and reviews are stored in Airtable

Google Search Engine Integration

Using Google Custom Search for real-time information

Sentiment Analysis

Understanding the sentiment of the user review


Through gym-goers observations and chats with the management representative, Onyx could help with the following functions and tackle these key pain points:

Difficulty booking free sessions: Completing the process of booking available time slots.

Lack of information: Finding detailed information about gym facilities, class schedules, and membership packages.

Long wait times for assistance: Waiting for available gym staff to answer their questions.

Customisation Features

  • Personality: An AI assistant needs to exhibit humanlike traits to stimulate engagement. This is why Onyx had a personality paired with response delay (2000MS), context-specific emojis, and an energetic and motivating tone of voice. Manual and AI-generated replies were refined to ensure that Onyx represents the right bot persona.

  • Knowledge Base: OX website content (packages, studios, about us) was structured into a document list on Voiceflow.

  • Information Retrieval: Each document was assigned a unique ID and tag for efficient chatbot referencing.

  • Intent and Utterance Development: Core functionalities (booking, package details, studio info, inquiries) were defined as intents. Potential user phrases (utterances) were created using both human input and LLMs like Claude and Gemini.

Featured scenarios

Browsing Studios and Packages
Scheduling a Free Session via Calendly
Smart Search Powered by Google's API
Figure 1. Conversation Design Screenshot for Onyx’s Intro

Integration with Calendly and Airtable

  • Onyx was integrated with Calendly to make booking the users’ sessions as smooth as possible. They can effortlessly pick a time that suits them best, right within the chat. It automatically syncs with OX’s schedule, and users receive reminders to keep them on track.

  • Airtable was also utilised as OX’s central database for managing user information, tracking session bookings, and collecting feedback. This platform proved essential for analysing user data, identifying trends, and improving the chatbot’s performance.

Figure 2. Conversation Design Screenshot for Booking a Session via Onyx

Figure 3. Conversation Design Screenshot for Airtable’s Integration

Figure 4. Conversation Design Screenshot for Calendly’s Output

Testing and Refinement

  • The testing phase was both exciting and eye-opening. A diverse group of six individuals, including OX’s COO, were invited to chat with Onyx. Their feedback was gold – for instance, one tester struggled to have the chatbot understand their request, prompting the redesign of the workflow to include more detailed utterances.

  • Diving into chat logs also helped fine-tune conversations by identifying key information gaps, such as studio-specific pricing, which weren’t initially included in Onyx’s knowledge base. A temporary solution of directing users to each studio’s Instagram page for up-to-date pricing information was executed.

  • There were further inconsistencies in Onyx’s responses regarding package and studio prices. To rectify this, the prompt was revised with sample dialogues, ensuring Onyx strictly adhered to the information provided in its knowledge base for each document.

    Sample Dialogue:

    Q: What are the prices for Ride Tribe?

    A: For more information on Ride Tribe’s offerings, please visit their Instagram page.

    This data-driven approach significantly improved the accuracy and reliability of Onyx’s responses.

Onyx's Value

Accessibility: Offering round-the-clock assistance for inquiries and bookings, eliminating wait times and enhancing member convenience.

Efficiency: Streamlining processes such as class bookings and membership management, saving time for both members and staff.

Data-Driven Insights: Gathering user data to inform and improve services continuously.

Brand Alignment: Reflecting OX’s sophisticated image through its persona, maintaining the gym’s premium feel in digital interactions.

Scalability: Handling multiple inquiries simultaneously without additional resources, supporting the gym’s growth without compromising service quality.